Use Puzzle Partner to get you unstuck!
Get the solution to that Suduko or Ken-Ken you just can't solve
Use Puzzle Partner to get you unstuck!
Get the solution to that Suduko or Ken-Ken you just can't solve
Use Puzzle Partner to get you unstuck!
Get the solution to that Suduko or Ken-Ken you just can't solve
Click here to download Puzzle Partner from the Apple App Store
Have you ever gotten frustrated solving Ken Ken or Sudoku Puzzles? Well, Puzzle Partner is the solution for you!
Just enter in the details of your Sudoku or Ken Ken, and you can find the full solution! Or you just want a hint? You can just reveal one square at a time to check what you have is correct.
If you have any problems, feature requests, or comments please send an email to support@rhine-o.com.
Device Requirements:
- iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad or Mac Laptop / Desktop
- iOS 13.6 or higher / Mac OS X 11.0 or higher
Pricing and Availability:
Puzzle Partner is available for $0.99 USD (or comparable local currency) worldwide through the Apple App Store in the Entertainment category.